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Message 9634 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 18:30:41 UTC

Hi everybody on this forum. first I want to say SORRY for my written english( I never learned it at school), just a some years of being in USA. It probably will be chaotic. But I hope you will get my point. I don`t know a bit about this project, its not my interest to know.
But, I have my comp. turned ON for a long time and i think it might be a good reson
to use it in this project "BOINC-something", just want to contribute this time in this proj. The old "Board"- I don`t even know how it looks, I Signed to this proj. some time in Jan/`05. it was allready down. My problem is: usualy twice a week my computer hangs out since I run BOINC client. Nothing works at this time: mouse ,
keyboard. The only thing i can do is press the RESET buton. Also , when I check the status of my account and the results of job done by my comp. I can only see " client error". I have some questions and I do expect some anwers.
1. does it make a sens to continue? there any solution to fix that?
3. is there any other way to avoid this problem?
a) suspennd internet activity?
b)send the computed data by (I don`t know) other way? e-mail, other messanger type client to your web.?
c)or just give up? or maybe there is something else?
I will wait two more weeks for an answer. After that I will giveup. if I don`t get the answer. I would not want to. But I must be sure , it make a sens to continue.

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Message 9635 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 18:49:29 UTC

Hi ZippO,
welcome abord. Your English is good and you described your problem pretty well.
If we were on old board, e.g. phpBB based forum, i would:
- redirect you post in appropriate thread were pc stability tests and problem running model resides - but we don;t have classic forum as of now.
- edit your post (e.g. moved it in appropriate tread) but we don't have moderator opportunity there
- sent you a PM (privete message) but we don't have this feature as yet.
- you may have been found an answer quite easy by youself since: old forum is better structured and seach function works pretty well; but you are on BOINC forum not the "old" one.

Sorry for not answering you post straigh away - i'm using it for [again] illustration limitation of both BOINC forum and not having classic forum.

Is your compures overcloked? Please, try to look in Questions and Problems were this type of problem belows.
I can image you picked up this thread since it is obvious that it is still alive and you will get your answer soon.

Hope that i have been of some help anyway.
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Message 9637 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 18:56:24 UTC - in response to Message 9633.  

Hi obelix,
i think i understand your disbelief right now due to (among other) evident lack of CPDN team feedback and cooperation.
Be asured, as everyone else on this forum, that i have sent an e-mail to Dave, Sylvia and Hannar asking to provide a clear answer on generous offer of hosting phpBB forum that had already been made several days ago.
Be also assured that i don't want any participants to leave CPDN project at all since i still do consider it as most valuable project among those of BOINC and perhaps DC projects in general. I would ask you to wait a bit longer before you make your final decision. I'm also sure you had a good time with other CPDNers on classic forum where "CPDN communite" meant something. Give another change to CPDN team...perhaps there is something we don't not yet that would explain things [not] going on.

> I completely agree with Honza, Geophi. Both of you were among the core of the
> CPDN phpBB community. Since my last post here a week ago I've waited and here
> little or no response of the CPDN team. This with the loss of the forum, the
> complete faillure of the CPDN team to put regular updates here or on the
> website, gives me the feeling that I may deliver power and computing time, but
> that this 'donation' is not really valued/appreciated. I therefore have
> uninstalled boinc/cpdn and stopped my contribution (after about 10 model
> runs)
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Message 9639 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 19:07:20 UTC - in response to Message 9633.  

> I completely agree with Honza, Geophi. Both of you were among the core of the
> CPDN phpBB community. Since my last post here a week ago I've waited and here
> little or no response of the CPDN team. This with the loss of the forum, the
> complete faillure of the CPDN team to put regular updates here or on the
> website, gives me the feeling that I may deliver power and computing time, but
> that this 'donation' is not really valued/appreciated. I therefore have
> uninstalled boinc/cpdn and stopped my contribution (after about 10 model
> runs)
Hi Obelix,

Honza's right. Whatever else happens the project <i>does</i> matter. Just give it a little while longer or at least keep visiting and re-attach later on.....

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Message 9641 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 19:18:48 UTC

Hi Honza , by your name i think U R my South Neighbour and Im your North temporaly
in USA . I did not overclock my processor. But I dont want to go there where you redirect me . It is not worth for me. i need to know some only important Technical info.
I dont want to spend hours on searching for my answers. I tryed before. I did not fined any( maybe not enough time spend on searching) but it gets me boreing. I just want to contribute a time of my computer. thats all.I have other things to do wich are in my interests. I am more Mechanic then Academic person. If U meant Router problem , then since this client uses port 80 , there is no problem with that.unless i missed something on my previous searches.
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Message 9646 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 20:03:38 UTC - in response to Message 9641.  
Last modified: 20 Feb 2005, 20:05:41 UTC

Hi ZippO,
click my name to found out my location or have a look at 50N, 08' 50", 14E, 29' 16".
What you describes about your box seems to be 'classical' of instability of your PC; eighter bad memory modelues (run a Memtest), or overheating (check CPU heatsing being properly installed and CPU fans working), or improper BIOS setup or... there was a great sticky on classic forum about how to make sure your computer is stable prepared by one of CPDN members with excellent knowlegde in PC hardware. Since this forum (as subject is this thread for a month suggest) is down, i'm afraid i can redirect you there.
Try tu put word "stability" in search (but don't press Enter to search; you must mouse click 'Search' button - it's just another limitation of BOINC forum and a reare-known bug) or simply follow this link;bodies=Search

EDIT: perhaps someone will provide you exact link to where your answer dwells.

&gt; Hi Honza , by your name i think U R my South Neighbour and Im your North
&gt; temporaly
&gt; in USA . I did not overclock my processor. But I dont want to go there where
&gt; you redirect me . It is not worth for me. i need to know some only important
&gt; Technical info.
&gt; I dont want to spend hours on searching for my answers. I tryed before. I did
&gt; not fined any( maybe not enough time spend on searching) but it gets me
&gt; boreing. I just want to contribute a time of my computer. thats all.I have
&gt; other things to do wich are in my interests. I am more Mechanic then Academic
&gt; person. If U meant Router problem , then since this client uses port 80 ,
&gt; there is no problem with that.unless i missed something on my previous
&gt; searches.
&gt; ZippO
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Message 9653 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 21:45:33 UTC
Last modified: 20 Feb 2005, 21:47:08 UTC

<a href="">Prime95</a>
<a href="">Memtest</a>
<a href="">SuperPi</a>
Run them to check the stability of your machine. If it's a P4 HT, run several instance of superpi at the same time to stress each thread of the CPU.
ID: 9653 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 9654 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 21:45:46 UTC - in response to Message 9624.  
Last modified: 20 Feb 2005, 21:48:14 UTC

&gt; Ahhh...but one of the most useful features of the phpBB forums was the ability
&gt; to simply "View all new posts since last visit", and get a long list of those
&gt; posts through one click. I used that all the time. Yes, it sometimes didn't
&gt; work perfectly, but neither does the functionality in this forum for
&gt; identifying new posts. I frequently come back to the forum to see that posts
&gt; that have been made since my last visit to a given topic are not marked as
&gt; new. Maybe that has to do with the way CPDN server time is off by 35 minutes,
&gt; or the way it identifies what topic you were last in when you left, I don't
&gt; know, but the functionality here is certainly NOT better than the phpBB forums
&gt; in that regard.

There isn't have an overview of all new posts, but since the BOINC-forums only contains 3 groups it isn't a big loss.
The Questions and Problems-forums is another matter...

The problem is, CPDN is AFAIK still running the same software as in August, with small improvements added in November, so any improvements done the lasts months haven't been added yet. This not only shows up in the forums, but also with cross-project-compability.

&gt; Well maybe then moderators are not implemented well here. At the phpBB
&gt; forums, dedicated users were also moderators. They had/took the time to
&gt; moderate. Here, I believe the only moderator/moderators are on the core team.
&gt; And they are too busy to moderate (that's not a slam, just a simple fact).
&gt; Not that in this format moderation of posts is a huge deal. Perhaps other
&gt; users should be made moderators as well.

This is a problem with CPDN and not with the BOINC-forums.

&gt; I've never seen that link in the reply to page (not here or in the updated
&gt; forums at CPDN Sulphur Alpha). That comes up only in the Create a New Thread
&gt; page. And the link description of "May contain html tags" does not
&gt; necessarily make it user-friendly for non-geeks.

Recently added, points to Seti@home's BOINC-forums.

&gt; What about the capabilities for stickies/announcements that were found to be
&gt; so very helpful on phpBB? That would be huge in helping new users on topics
&gt; that have already been covered in great depth many times.

There is a faq-link with some things mentioned, and an external link to Paul D. Bucks faq &amp; glossary. The last is atleast weekly updated, so would guess any missing CPDN-things can be added here.

As for announcements, there is a news-page, but CPDN also should add a status-page like other BOINC-projects is having...

&gt; Well we agree on that priorities point at least. However, my (and I'm sure
&gt; others) definition of what missing features are "small" apparently differs
&gt; greatly from yours.

Maybe have to do with more often on the seti-forums than CPDN and some of the things missing in the CPDN-forums have already been there for some weeks/months...

Still, can easily read threads and answer posts here also, so some missing features, missing smilies and other eye-candy isn't really a big problem.

&gt; If you are involved in the development of this forum software, could I also
&gt; suggest a more easily available/better labeled forum search link? As
&gt; implemented here, the search links are only on the first page of the forums.
&gt; They should be available from any forum page and labeled something like
&gt; "Forums search". Perhaps this is already implemented in the updated forum
&gt; software we yet don't have?

Have nothing to do with either CPDN nor forum-development, the latter is mostly Janus Christensen slowly adding new features...
ID: 9654 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
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Message 9657 - Posted: 20 Feb 2005, 22:45:34 UTC - in response to Message 9654.  

&gt; Still, can easily read threads and answer posts here also, so some missing
&gt; features, missing smilies and other eye-candy isn't really a big problem.
I could go on point by point on your lengthy response to my response...but I won't. You really have no perspective on it. You say Paul Buck's FAQ is the answer to the lack of stickies (it's not, it's specific to BOINC and has virtually nothing to do with CPDN specific problems and topics), that announcements should be updated on the CPDN website (obviously they're not), that it's CPDN's problem that there aren't enough moderators and that it's running outdated forum software. That may be but that is what we are dealing with, and why it's very easy to see what we've lost by losing the phpBB forum. Then, of course, there's Honza's excellent point about the vast amount of lost postage, much of it in stickies, that were so helpful to many, and so easy to point to when helping someone.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 9664 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 0:58:42 UTC


Looking at your Results page, all the crashes were "-5 error". This a a general error message covering a lot
of problems. As you don't want to get technical, I'd suggest that you just continue.
Your current model is progressing OK. So far!

Your questions:
1) Yes, it does make sense. Some people have a lot of crashes, but also some successful runs.
2) There are some programs that will test your computer. See Arnoud's reply.
3a) You can if you wish: Go to File on the BOINC gui, and 'tick' Disable BOINC network access.
'Untick' it to allow trickles to go through.
3b) Not possible. And the crashes are happening in your computer, not during sending.
3c) 1) I hope that you don't.
3c) 2) Yes. There is still the original form of CPDN, usually called Classic CPDN.
A lot of people are still running this version, some due to problems with the BOINC version.
For the moment, I suggest that you wait and see if it crashes again. It might not!

Over to you Mo, and /or others who know how to run Classic.

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Message 9666 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 1:31:10 UTC
Last modified: 21 Feb 2005, 2:07:43 UTC


It sounds from your posts that the computer itself locks up, no mouse, keyboard, have to manually shut down etc.

I would suggest you run memtest or swap out your memory with a friend and see how it runs. Hard crashes normally means bad memory. I have never had Cpdn or Boinc cause a hard crash of the system. (even in beta)

Another thought, what operating system are you using ? (just curious)
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Message 9673 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 7:01:43 UTC - in response to Message 9657.  

&gt; In Ingleside geophi wrote:
&gt; I could go on point by point on your lengthy response to my response...but I won't. ...but I won't. You really have no perspective on it.
Even the response mechanism is primitive - no quoting so it's not easy to see who wrote what, which is who response etc.
Even when Ingleside is looking for positive solution, there really is "no perspective on it". It's about browsing 9 pages to get known what's new on the forum (opposite to 1 click on phpBB regardless of richness of structure and it's threads).
Main point in Ingleside and others response had been again missed, but it had not escaped to heophi this time:

&gt; ...what we are dealing with, and why it's very easy to see what we've lost by losing the phpBB forum.
&gt; Then, of course, there's Honza's excellent point about the vast amount of lost postage, much of it in stickies, that were so helpful to many, and so easy to point to when helping someone.

Yes, exactly my point!
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Message 9676 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 8:03:40 UTC

If you click on a person's name, you go to their account page. (right-click to get it in a new window.)
Then just click on the computer number to get the computer info. ZippO has an AMD, and is running MS XP PRO.
His first two models only got to 1 trickle, and the third to 7. The latest model is up to 17, with a new one soon.
Fingers crossed.


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Message 9681 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 10:19:43 UTC - in response to Message 9673.  

&gt; Even the response mechanism is primitive - no quoting so it's not easy to see
&gt; who wrote what, which is who response etc.

Hmm, "in response to Message id ####", this makes it very easy to see who you're responding to...

As for quoting, using &gt; is a very much used method in news &amp; email-clients, and works on online forums also.

Most forums using blockquote or something will quote the whole message, so if you wants to comment on specific parts like I'm doing now, you must manually split it in multiple blockquotes.

&gt; Even when Ingleside is looking for positive solution, there really is "no
&gt; perspective on it". It's about browsing 9 pages to get known what's new on the
&gt; forum (opposite to 1 click on phpBB regardless of richness of structure and
&gt; it's threads).

Hmm, ah, folding@home is using phpbb, clicks on new posts, ok nice listing.
Clicks on a topic visited before, no, didn't jump to the unread posts like BOINC does.
Closes the forum and re-enters... The same new posts like last time, and even the thread already read shows as new post...

Haven't used the CPDN-forums much, neither of the versions, but my recollection of the "classic"-forums was that all old messages was read next time re-entered, even on threads never visited. Don't remember if was possible to jump to only the unread messages in a thread, so won't comment on this part.

&gt; &gt; ...what we are dealing with, and why it's very easy to see what we've
&gt; lost by losing the phpBB forum.
&gt; &gt; Then, of course, there's Honza's excellent point about the vast amount
&gt; of lost postage, much of it in stickies, that were so helpful to many, and so
&gt; easy to point to when helping someone.
&gt; Yes, exactly my point!

Of course it will be an advantage to get read-access to the old messages in the "classic"-forums, but more doubtful if it's a good idea for CPDN to still keep the php-forums as active forums.
Any time trying to find a computer for the php-forums, and time used to keep it upgraded and running is most likely better spent upgrading the BOINC-applications and back-end-services, fixing bugs in the sulphur cycle-model and to keep the servers running...
ID: 9681 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Andrew Hingston
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Message 9685 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 11:32:54 UTC

Where are we then?

1. The BOINC message board stays, and Ingleside is doing his best to meet user needs. There needs to be a routine process to implement his changes.

2. The BOINC board format will probably never be capable of fully meeting individual project needs without losing the advantages of standardisation.

3. Similar considerations apply to relying on something like Paul Buck's site as a source of advice to users, keen as I am to promote it.

4. The project team argued strongly for the BOINC board because it offered a way in which the community could support users, thus freeing the team to do development work. This board isn't sufficient for that. If the community is to fulfil the task, we need additional functionality integrated with the main site, in particular a bigger and more structured FAQ/help section (which could be hosted separately) and with a ready means of keeping it up to date.

5. There needs to be a means by which a select few (I can think of some nominees) can act as filters and contact the team to draw attention to new and urgent problems. Clearly the team are having problems in monitoring the board (see the upload problem currently) and we need to have a way of supporting them in that.

6. We need a way in which status news, etc, can be communicated back to users in a readily accessible way.

7. There were other benefits to the old PHP board which were not purely aesthetic, especially in terms of the ability to keep a large number of disparate threads current. This played an important part in keeping users committed to the project and enhanced the sense of community. These benefits are sufficient to justify either restoring the old board in a secure form or replacing it.

8. We would not wish to lose the information locked up in the old board.

Is that right, or do others disagree with my summary?
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Message 9686 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 11:41:52 UTC
Last modified: 21 Feb 2005, 11:48:09 UTC

&gt;Any time trying to find a computer for the php-forums, and time used to keep &gt;it upgraded and running is most likely better spent upgrading the BOINC-&gt;applications and back-end-services, fixing bugs in the sulphur cycle-model &gt;and to keep the servers running...

I don't think that upgrading and running a Phpbb board is as time-consuming as you say. You just have to install it (it's long when you're a newbie, it's true) and register to the newsletter to know about the upgrade: that's all. Generally, upgrading a phpbb forum, it's to write or correct a few lines in the code. I think no more than 1 hour per month. Well, after that, it's like all the fora: you have to moderate and answer the questions.
And in the phpbb/cpdn, it was mainly the users that answered the questions of the others users, not the dev team (except Carl, AFAIK). So I don't think you can say that running a phpbb is loosing time for fixing bugs in Alpha, etc.
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Message 9688 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 12:06:53 UTC


Just to update people about the situation with the phpBB. We're in daily discussions about what the best move to make is. It's become a difficult issue about server security and personal information, as I mentioned recently, but that doesn't mean that nothing is going to happen!

We really appreciate everyone's frustrations about the boards - both the phpBB and the BOINC forum are vital to the project, and we are very sorry if some participants feel the need to pull out of the project entirely because of these problems. We are working on a solution, and would very much appreciate your continued patience while we sort it out.

As always, the project could not exist without its participants, so thank you to everyone who's contributed computing power, and equally thank you to those who've helped create the community.

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Message 9689 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 12:11:58 UTC - in response to Message 9686.  

Still no getting it? There IS already a computer (server) for the php-forum(s) and time to administrate/moderate etc.
I must say that Dave Frame's post on phpBB forum, albeit not as frequent as Carl's, were most valuable and informative.

I would like to asure you that, according to CPDN team member answer to my recent e-mail, everything in Oxford is fine, although they are are a bit stretched with no replacement for Carl yet and Dave Frame being away for some time.

As of phpBB forum, a legal issue of personal data (e.g. e-mail addresses) needs to be solved, as Sylvia already wrote below.

&gt; &gt;Any time trying to find a computer for the php-forums, and time used to
&gt; keep &gt;it upgraded and running is most likely better spent upgrading the
&gt; BOINC-&gt;applications and back-end-services, fixing bugs in the sulphur
&gt; cycle-model &gt;and to keep the servers running...
&gt; Hi,
&gt; I don't think that upgrading and running a Phpbb board is as time-consuming as
&gt; you say. You just have to install it (it's long when you're a newbie, it's
&gt; true) and register to the newsletter to know about the upgrade: that's all.
&gt; Generally, upgrading a phpbb forum, it's to write or correct a few lines in
&gt; the code. I think no more than 1 hour per month. Well, after that, it's like
&gt; all the fora: you have to moderate and answer the questions.
&gt; And in the phpbb/cpdn, it was mainly the users that answered the questions of
&gt; the others users, not the dev team (except Carl, AFAIK). So I don't think you
&gt; can say that running a phpbb is loosing time for fixing bugs in Alpha, etc.
&gt; Cheers.
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Message 9690 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 12:13:30 UTC - in response to Message 9688.  

thanks for the post Hannah - i was about to confirm an e-mail replay.

&gt; Hi,
&gt; Just to update people about the situation with the phpBB. We're in daily
&gt; discussions about what the best move to make is. It's become a difficult issue
&gt; about server security and personal information, as I mentioned recently, but
&gt; that doesn't mean that nothing is going to happen!
&gt; We really appreciate everyone's frustrations about the boards - both the phpBB
&gt; and the BOINC forum are vital to the project, and we are very sorry if some
&gt; participants feel the need to pull out of the project entirely because of
&gt; these problems. We are working on a solution, and would very much appreciate
&gt; your continued patience while we sort it out.
&gt; As always, the project could not exist without its participants, so thank you
&gt; to everyone who's contributed computing power, and equally thank you to those
&gt; who've helped create the community.
&gt; Hannah
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Message 9693 - Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 12:39:18 UTC - in response to Message 9685.  

&gt; Where are we then?
&gt; 1. The BOINC message board stays, and Ingleside is doing his best to meet user
&gt; needs. There needs to be a routine process to implement his changes.
Good. No one wants it different way, i guess

&gt; 2. The BOINC board format will probably never be capable of fully meeting individual project needs without losing the advantages of standardisation.
Well, isn't phpBB standartized? Doesn't it meets individual project needs with rich and yet variable features.
I would say that BOINC forum implementation has some advantages with BOINC project itself - e.g. sharing accounts and profiles etc.

&gt; 4. The project team argued strongly for the BOINC board because it offered a
&gt; way in which the community could support users, thus freeing the team to do
&gt; development work. This board isn't sufficient for that. If the community is to
&gt; fulfil the task, we need additional functionality integrated with the main
&gt; site, in particular a bigger and more structured FAQ/help section (which could
&gt; be hosted separately) and with a ready means of keeping it up to date.
Agree. Limitations of BOINC board with combination of rather static web-site is not a good one. At least, phpBB forum with it's stickes, annoucements, active moderators etc. was a good overcome of this situation of lack of FAQ, help section etc.

&gt; 5. There needs to be a means by which a select few (I can think of some
&gt; nominees) can act as filters and contact the team to draw attention to new and
&gt; urgent problems. Clearly the team are having problems in monitoring the board
&gt; (see the upload problem currently) and we need to have a way of supporting
&gt; them in that.
Hmm, BOINC forum is not a good helper on that - yet. At least Private messages on phpBB were good. I' pretty that CPDN team is aware of problems we are dealing with and i'm quite confident that they are working on them. A limited time is always agains us all. See ad (4) - i think classic forum would be a more effecient tools to help other participants and a bit lighten that stress that rest on cpdn team.

&gt; 6. We need a way in which status news, etc, can be communicated back to users in a readily accessible way.
Annoucements? Stickes? I guess i' repeating ymself too much.

&gt; 7. There were other benefits to the old PHP board which were not purely
&gt; aesthetic, especially in terms of the ability to keep a large number of
&gt; disparate threads current. This played an important part in keeping users
&gt; committed to the project and enhanced the sense of community. These benefits
&gt; are sufficient to justify either restoring the old board in a secure form or
&gt; replacing it.
Well sayd.

&gt; 8. We would not wish to lose the information locked up in the old board.

&gt; Is that right, or do others disagree with my summary?
A good summary, IMHO.
Perhaps we should concentrate on looking at ways how to resurrect old forum...
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