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Thread 'Trickles and credits'

Thread 'Trickles and credits'

Questions and Answers : Wish list : Trickles and credits
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ProfilePooh Bear 27

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Message 17300 - Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 15:09:12 UTC

Now that crediting is only done a couple times of day, yet trickles come in constantly, is there a way to show what trickles have received credit and which ones are pending? This would be friendlier for newer users, since Seti has announced, via E-Mail it\'s shutdown as of 15-Dec, and many users may be looking for new projects to invest their time.

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Les Bayliss
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Message 17303 - Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 15:42:30 UTC

People still running SETI classic will most likely be using older computers, which may well be incapable of running cpdn. E.G. they may be using Win98, which no longer works here.

But, for those who are credit junkies, just select the model you want to check, and divide \"Granted credit\" by the number of trickles. This should give you 94.52 for a slab model, and 160.68 for a sulphur.
If it doesn\'t, then you are owed some credit. Working out have much is just a matter of dividing by a smaller number until you get the right answer.

As for the overworked programmers having time to create something to do it for people, I think it would have a VERY low priority.

ID: 17303 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfilePooh Bear 27

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Message 17381 - Posted: 24 Nov 2005, 17:29:40 UTC
Last modified: 24 Nov 2005, 17:33:18 UTC

Your answer was, let just say, not very nice. I took offence to the tone of the message.

All is fine an dandy if you are running one or two projects. When I am sending back 4-6 trickles a day (and maybe more), and they are a mix between Sulfer and Slab, it\'s not so easy to \"do it myself\".

This is also a \"WISH LIST\", in which I posted a wish. If the developers are too busy to do it, well I can understand, but you blasting me, telling me they are too busy, that just doesn\'t sound like good message board etiquette.

Oh, as for not many people moving over to CPDN, please see this .

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ProfileThyme Lawn
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Message 17383 - Posted: 24 Nov 2005, 17:58:54 UTC

I\'ve just checked from my own trickles today. A trickle at 09:49:31 has been credited but one at 10:20:37 hasn\'t. So it looks like there\'s a recalculation at around 10:00:00 UTC. I\'d guess that the other one\'s probably around 22:00:00.
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Questions and Answers : Wish list : Trickles and credits
