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Message 23486 - Posted: 6 Jul 2006, 10:35:53 UTC

I\'m not to sure what kind of model I\'m running, but when will I start seeing credit? I\'ve put in 11 hours so far, 20980 time steps, .505% complete with 844 days to go, and still show 0 with no pending credit.
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Message 23488 - Posted: 6 Jul 2006, 16:30:39 UTC

Welcome to the Project and the Boards, Joe.

Credit is awarded for each Model year, 25920 Time Steps, 0.625%. After the report is sent home, a daily batch run sorts it and adds credit to your account.

Be sure to stop the Model and boinc from time to time and make a backup of the entire folder to protect your investment. Les\' How to backup/restore:

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Message 23489 - Posted: 6 Jul 2006, 16:52:56 UTC - in response to Message 23488.  

Thank you for the response. I\'m just about there now, 24860. If it goes belly up, whats the maximum loss, 1 model year? Guess I should do that backup.

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Message 23492 - Posted: 6 Jul 2006, 18:23:23 UTC

Trickles are done at the timestep that Astro talked about. The trickles are usually turned into credits about once every 24 hours. The trickle server has had some major issues as of recent, and it\'s been not the greatest in getting the credits moving. The current situation is about 3 days behind. So until the administrators kick it into gear, you will remain at 0 for a while.

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Message 23561 - Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 19:27:30 UTC - in response to Message 23489.  

Thank you for the response. I\'m just about there now, 24860. If it goes belly up, whats the maximum loss, 1 model year? Guess I should do that backup.

Apologies for the delayed response, I\'ve been away from home for a few days. (Some improvements were made to the Boards during that time; thanks Carl & Tolu.)

In your current situation, the loss for a crash would be about one Model year. However, the real answer is that everything is lost, even if the Run is at Model Year 159 of 160 -- unless there is a backup Folder to use for recovery.

I suspect that most of us who\'ve been at this for awhile have had Runs saved by Backups. (I had a Spinup Model saved about 195 Years into a 200-year Run; the crash was caused by a line power glitch. To be sure, I\'m a firm believer in backups!)

Another good practice is to set Preferences in Your Account to \'yes\' for leave in memory when suspended. It saves rerun from last Checkpoint after a suspension.

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Message 23904 - Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 16:15:30 UTC


After seven month of offline crunching (not my home computer) I post to CPDN server two results for this units:

Now, for both results I see:
errors: Too many total results
validation: Pending
claimed credit: ~20000
granted credit: 0

Can I get a some credit after veryfing of this results? :)

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Message 23906 - Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 18:33:47 UTC - in response to Message 23904.  


After seven month of offline crunching (not my home computer) I post to CPDN server two results for this units:

Now, for both results I see:
errors: Too many total results
validation: Pending
claimed credit: ~20000
granted credit: 0

Can I get a some credit after veryfing of this results? :)


Once the credit program runs, it will straighten it all out. This runs only about once every 24 hours (althought I have a sneaky feeling it might be running twice every 24 hours now, per something I saw over the last couple of days).

Check back in 24 hours (or every few hours if you wish).

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Message 23909 - Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 21:54:33 UTC
Last modified: 11 Aug 2006, 21:54:22 UTC

errors: Too many total results
validation: Pending

These parts only apply to projects that have their data processed by 2 or 3 people, and then compare the results.

The first line refers to the number of \'results\' returned by people, and in this project, it is by only one person, but with LOTS of returns, because the software is seeing the trickles, and not finished results.
And the second line refers to the part that compares the results from different people, which isn\'t used at all, so it will ALWAYS be \'Pending\'.

As Pooh Bear says, patience will solve the credit problem.

And if you haven\'t upgraded BOINC to a 5.* version, you\'ll need to do so before getting the new Coupled Ocean models.
Uninstall the 4.* version first, to avoid the occassionally reported problem of split versions.

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Message 23912 - Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 1:21:49 UTC

Your credit has now been posted.

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Message 23913 - Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 10:47:32 UTC

Thank you for explanation!
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Message 29247 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 11:49:11 UTC

I see I\'m getting credits, but what do I do with them? What is their purpose?

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Les Bayliss
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Message 29248 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 12:14:35 UTC

They just give you something to brag about. Which many people do.

Backups: Here
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Message 29249 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 17:38:11 UTC - in response to Message 29248.  

They just give you something to brag about. Which many people do.

OK thanks. Sort of figured that after 25 million points or such I\'d be able to get a free cup of coffee from the CPDN office cafeteria. :-)
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Message 29268 - Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 14:13:04 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jun 2007, 14:14:23 UTC

Not even free coffee, I\'m afraid, Louis! Another aspect of credits is that, if you join a team, your credits (while still remaining yours) also get added to the team\'s total credit - so your team is disposed to be grateful to you and some teams celebrate with virtual fireworks and stuff when you reach major milestones, and especially when you complete a model.

Teams are not for everyone, but I\'ve found it helpful, encouraging and fun to belong to one. There\'s a team list here, or you can go to this page and use the search facility to look for one that\'s of interest to you.

Good luck, happy crunching!
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Message 32255 - Posted: 20 Jan 2008, 11:17:05 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jan 2008, 11:19:56 UTC


Another strange situation for this result: 7066728

Initially was \"claimed\" ~ 2600, but one day after \"claimed\" = 0 and granted = 0. Validate State = \"OK\"...
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Message 32257 - Posted: 20 Jan 2008, 12:21:22 UTC

There are no trickles listed for that model (which is what the final credits rely on). What percentage had it reached?

Are there any \'trickle_up_\' files in the c:\\program files\\boinc\\projects\\ directory? (they might also be in a subdirectory).

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Message 32260 - Posted: 20 Jan 2008, 14:52:00 UTC - in response to Message 32257.  
Last modified: 20 Jan 2008, 15:07:58 UTC

There are no trickles listed for that model (which is what the final credits rely on). What percentage had it reached?

Model is completed on 100%. In december 2007 my host receive one \"long\" and one \"short\" WU. After complete of \"short WU\" (about 400 or 500 hours) I transferred BOINC folder to home, but after fail of upload, copy folder to computer with \"fast Internet\" and send result to server.
Update: with \"fast Internet\" and \"poor benchmark\". :-)

Are there any \'trickle_up_\' files in the c:\\program files\\boinc\\projects\\ directory? (they might also be in a subdirectory).

After sending result to server this files were removed by BOINC or client. But in backup folder made before sending of result to server I see 420 files with names like \'trickle_up_hadsm3fub_f047_005916357_7_1198503432.xml.sent\'. Can I send them to you or another \"project leaders\"?
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Message 32263 - Posted: 20 Jan 2008, 15:42:57 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jan 2008, 15:48:20 UTC

Keep hold of that backup!

It should be possible to get them to upload to the servers from your machine, but first we need to work out why they weren\'t being sent.

Which firewall / antivirus / proxy server do you use on that machine? (if you connect via a large network such as a company or university, you\'ll probably be using a proxy server).

-- Edit:

If all the trickles were sent in the last couple of days, i.e., when you returned the result, the most likely thing is that they\'re stuck in the trickle backlog (significant delays at the moment). Hopefully the project admins will be able to fix the trickle processing when they get back on Monday.
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Message 32267 - Posted: 20 Jan 2008, 18:12:36 UTC - in response to Message 32263.  

Keep hold of that backup!

It should be possible to get them to upload to the servers from your machine, but first we need to work out why they weren\'t being sent.


Which firewall / antivirus / proxy server do you use on that machine? (if you connect via a large network such as a company or university, you\'ll probably be using a proxy server).

On each computer works Kaspersky AntiVirus 6. Computer from which the result was sent consist in a network with KenoRoute firewall (if a remember right). But in 20-x days of december 2007 from this computer I successfully send another large WU and \"all works well done\". May be problem in first, failed upload?

If all the trickles were sent in the last couple of days, i.e., when you returned the result, the most likely thing is that they\'re stuck in the trickle backlog (significant delays at the moment).

First upload (from home) - second half of friday (by GMT).
Second upload and reporting task (succesful) - first half of saturday (near the six hours by GMT).

Hopefully the project admins will be able to fix the trickle processing when they get back on Monday.

OK. Thank you! :-)
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Message 32291 - Posted: 22 Jan 2008, 16:28:29 UTC

Now I see a granted credit. Thanks a lot!

Hope that this computations help a science.
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