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Thread 'What when calculate deadline expires ?'

Thread 'What when calculate deadline expires ?'

Questions and Answers : Getting started : What when calculate deadline expires ?
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Message 23938 - Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 9:14:10 UTC


my computer is only running a few days an hour, so when i calculate the remaining days (remaining time / 24 hours) it nearly fits the deadline. But my computer is not running 24 hours, nor have i planned to do so only for

So what to do ? Just abort calculation because i can\'t have results till deadline and use time for other projects ? Or continue even when deadline is not in time ?


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Message 23941 - Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 16:28:20 UTC

Hi, Martin, welcome to the Boards.

For CPDN, you can ignore the deadline; boinc requires it, so SOMETHING had to be put there. The Project doesn\'t use it.

To get maximum benefit from time spent please be sure your Preferences are set to \'Yes\' for leave in memory when suspended and do work while computer is in use.

Best time ot shut down is immediateky after a Checkpoint, which occurs every 432 Time Steps. There is a handy count-down indicator in \'Show Graphics\' tab. Click \'z\' to get rid of the overlay, then \'8\' to turn on the counter. It counts down to zero, then starts over at 432. The closer after 432 you can shut down, the less rerun there will be when restarted (because it always restarts at a checkpoint after shutdown).

Best of luck!
"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
Greetings from coastal Washington state, the scenic US Pacific Northwest.
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Questions and Answers : Getting started : What when calculate deadline expires ?
