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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 49415 - Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 10:22:38 UTC

Yes 60 days is what I recall the value is computed over. Mine would currently be low even if there were not problems with the script as I have just been away for about ten days.

(Total credit 593,495
Recent average credit 312.10

I know there are many different views on this but for me, more feedback such as we had from the seasonal attribution UK models recently that showed an increase in the likelihood of extreme weather events such as the flooding last winter would take a higher priority and would provide more motivation than the credits.
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Message 49416 - Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 10:50:35 UTC - in response to Message 49415.  

I know there are many different views on this but for me, more feedback such as we had from the seasonal attribution UK models recently that showed an increase in the likelihood of extreme weather events such as the flooding last winter would take a higher priority and would provide more motivation than the credits.

Yes, I agree. False comparison over points is meaningless when we're using different machines, and some have access to several. I'd like to see more in the science thread. There were interesting posts about the UK flooding attribution, and an indication that there would be more data pooled in to it later as the last results came in, but it's gone silent. I wonder if, with the rest of the work units, the probabilities have changed.

There has been nothing, to my knowledge, on the drought attribution in ANZ, and I've done several of those WUs. I'd love to know I'd contributed to evidence that King Coal Abbott is wrong because, ultimately, we're wasting our time if this doesn't contribute to policy change.

On the other hand, the scientists are also probably incredibly busy, so this is more a matter of "at some point, when you get round to it, it would be nice if someone could let us know what these data are being used for and what the implications are" rather than a demand.

Fixing the credit script, not so much.

The work units will continue to be crunched regardless.
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Profile Qax

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Message 49417 - Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 15:24:18 UTC - in response to Message 49416.

Yeah I have like 1.5-1.75 million seconds that say "completed" - not an error message, and I got 0 credit. Not sure if this is continuing or will be fixed. Should I put the program on hold?
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 49418 - Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 16:57:40 UTC - in response to Message 49417.  

Yeah I have like 1.5-1.75 million seconds that say "completed" - not an error message, and I got 0 credit. Not sure if this is continuing or will be fixed. Should I put the program on hold?

You will get the credit when the script is run that updates the credit. Someone needs to kick the right server or something akin to that. This has happened many times over the years I have been with CPDN and I have always got the credit in the end. As the trickles and scheduler requests are going through I don't have any doubt that you will get it, I suspect that you shouldn't hold your breath though!
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KWSN - Sir Frank of the Wood

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Message 49419 - Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 18:47:57 UTC

to Grahamt (and others)

those of us who have been through the "pauses" and "gaps" in the posting of credits over the years share a secret: anytime you put your machines on hold, more work units are available for those of us who continue to crunch !!!

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Profile Qax

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Message 49420 - Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 19:09:32 UTC - in response to Message 49419.  

I don't apologize for partially using credit as a way to keep going on this stuff. I've been on BOINC since 2006, before that years before I had done SETI@home starting in 2000. Would I still be interested 14 years later if not for credit of some type? I mean I'd like to think so, but.....I like seeing it build up, and comparing myself against others. It's not like they hand out trophies or monetary prizes. It's just something to keep me going.

And I wish it was enough to keep others going. The user base is going down. Fewer, but people with better and more machines are changing the user base away from everyday people just doing this on their spare CPU cycles, to really hardcore people. I consider myself to be one of the ones in the middle.

It will influence the graphics card and computer I buy, however, I don't have enough money I can really get as many machines involved as I'd like. We need to KEEP more of the regular users, because in the end, they will add up to more than the power users can. If BOINC is going to continue to be viable, we need to keep the everyday user.
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Profile GrimmReaperSound

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Message 49429 - Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 11:22:22 UTC

Will the credit and trickle credit problem ever get solved? My server is happily crunching away, but no credits, not even in the Boinc client, nothing , nada, flat-line...(Sorry one huge credit bump in May) This is by far the lengthiest on again off again credit problem since I joined in 2005. Enough is enough, solve the problem already.
Always keep an open mind, even Einstein could not
explain how the universe worked,...
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 49431 - Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 14:58:57 UTC - in response to Message 49429.  

This is by far the lengthiest on again off again credit problem since I joined in 2005. Enough is enough, solve the problem already.

I expect it won't be too long after the virtual machine maintenance is done.

To me it makes sense not to fiddle with too many things at once and from the time involved in the maintenance it is a major undertaking.

While not overly bothered myself, I do understand that for some it can be frustrating, however I do trust that it will be sorted. If the work is finished on time, they might even be able to start fixing it next week!
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Profile Purple Rabbit

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Message 49440 - Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 20:53:03 UTC

While not totally off topic, but within the realm of recent posts, I would like to make an observation. I'm not totally credit driven, but I am. Ten years ago there were just a few projects and I did them all. I had little choice except not to do them. Today there are many projects with some less worthwhile than others.

After weeding out the projects that don't seem worthwhile my next step is to see what I can get! From the pile of worthwhile projects I can pick from those that give credits (or more credits) from those that do not. For some strange reason I'll pick the projects I've deemed worthwhile that give more credits over those that don't.

Yes, I'm a horrible person. I've just described capitalism. This is either good or bad depending...

My point: Given a pile of worthwhile projects I'll pick the ones that give me timely credits. I have no idea what I'll do with the credits, but having credits is better than not having them :) The apparent opinion here is that it's either CPDN or nothing. I'm sure that's true for a number of people, but the rest of us do lots of other projects.

Summary: Are points important? Well kinda. CPDN as a project is important (doing worthwhile work), but if I can get more from a different worthwhile project, then I will.

Recommendation: Obviously the first priority is to keep the servers running and supplied with work. The second priority is to gratify your employees (us). While some employees don't care, many do. Expand this over the University IT space and my concerns seem trivial. There are not enough people to do a good job. I'm just asking that within current resources that the priorities be evaluated and adjusted. They seem a bit askew at the moment.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 49441 - Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 22:08:07 UTC - in response to Message 49440.  

The second priority is to gratify your employees (us)


First, the 2 people who work "here", are employed by the Oxford e-Research Centre, and for most of this month have been working on the restructure of the network used by the department.

Second, they are employed by e-Research to make possible the running of climate models provided by professional climate physicists.

The people providing spare computer time are much like lab technicians - they don't decide what gets done or when; they just arrange the required equipment and then get out of the way.


It's already been posted why none of the credit scripts are running.

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Message 49442 - Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 22:35:23 UTC - in response to Message 49440.  

I'm still trying to get my head round the fixation on credit. Maybe I'm just more focused on extrinsic value. Maybe my sources of gratification lie elsewhere. When I can trade in my credits for book tokens (in our dreams) I might get a little more concerned about it but, for the moment, it's just not a priority.

You see, without something to do with the credits, there's no point having them.

Look, there are a lot of valuable projects on the BOINC system. Only one of them is a real social game changer, but that depends on finding a possibly non-existent needle in a very large haystack, possibly using the wrong tool for the job. The rest, yes, they all have some level of social and/or scientific value.

Climate change is, however, the one big issue of our time, perhaps the thing that will make or break our civilisation. The rest are irrelevant if we don't act on climate change. That said, some really bad news is locked in to the system as a result of prior activity, even if we do stop being completely ****ing stupid as a species and cut our GHG emissions to net zero NOW. A better understanding of atmospheric physics and climate change is crucial to predicting what's coming. It might even help to get the politicians to take the kind of action that's required.

Precisely what that entails is up to some people who know a lot more about atmospheric physics than I do. I'm going to take their word for it that the research is valuable, worthless bead-tokens or no worthless bead-tokens - because stopping the entire global ecosystem having an unscheduled critical excursion. That's what matters.
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Message 49443 - Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 0:47:25 UTC

As the original poster, it is really disappointing for me to see that this thread is still at the top of the message board.

�The people providing spare computer time are much like lab technicians - they don't decide what gets done or when; they just arrange the required equipment and then get out of the way.�
If that�s what you want? Let me get out of the way! We�ve been doing just that for the past several months.

I ran some cpdn-models back in 2004, before Boinc, but those credits never migrated to Boinc-credits system. Been regular cruncher since 2008. I have seen long outages and interruptions, but this has been by far the longest!

Boinc is about community! Many projects have understood that, you have not. We need project scientists; and we need volunteers, donating their computing resources. As human beings, we need interaction. If the project completely ignores interaction (lack of credit updates), you will lose your volunteers.
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 49444 - Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 8:37:56 UTC

If the project completely ignores interaction (lack of credit updates), you will lose your volunteers.

And if the other work doesn't get done - upgrading the servers, BOINC version etc there will end up being a complete absence of work which will also mean no credits. Once the other work is complete the credit scripts will run again. All it needs is a little patience.
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Bob Browett

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Message 49445 - Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 8:55:49 UTC

As long as the work is of use to all of us, who cares about the credit?
Perspective and patience, what we all could do with

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Message 49446 - Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 10:04:25 UTC

And to those who do get a kick out of credits, just anticipate the massive adrenaline rush that will come when the credit script runs and all that completed work is recognised in one fell swoop. Weeee-Heeeee !!
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Profile Qax

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Message 49449 - Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 0:11:27 UTC - in response to Message 49446.  

I agree. I picked all of the projects I deemed worthy. I try to be as fair as possible to them all and don't think of myself as a "credit whore" - say there is 0 influence would be wrong. Especially if a project gives dramatically less than average per hour of CPU time crunched.

I think there are about 16 projects worthy, however, I don't want to dilute my resources to the point where I'm not giving projects much of anything.

I really think there should be a standard among all boinc projects. However, that's a tangent to this thread and I apologize.

The projects that give credit in a timely matter - I'm willing to bet this have better user bases than those don't. Just saying.
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Message 49450 - Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 2:17:16 UTC - in response to Message 49442.  

To me the question is not so much a fixation on credits ,as it is an acknowledgement of having contributed.The credits are a pleasent by-product of the project saying we got your work,you did just fine and here is your reward.It also is the proof that they recieved it.My numbers have not moved in a month.How am I to know there is still someone alive at the project???or if my computer time is being wasted??
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Les Bayliss
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Message 49451 - Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 2:23:04 UTC - in response to Message 49450.  

Did you read the News item about what the project people have been doing this month?
Or the post somewhere back in this thread about the credit scripts needing to be recompiled to work with the new system?

And to answer your last question: Most of the work sent to your 2 computers is crashing, as a few seconds looking at your list of tasks would tell you.

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Eirik Redd

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Message 49452 - Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 12:02:25 UTC - in response to Message 49451.  

Did you read the News item about what the project people have been doing this month?
Or the post somewhere back in this thread about the credit scripts needing to be recompiled to work with the new system?

And to answer your last question: Most of the work sent to your 2 computers is crashing, as a few seconds looking at your list of tasks would tell you.

There's we who comment here, a minority of a minority.
There's people who try BOINC, let it run.
There may be "credit whores" whatever that means.
Maybe there are contributors who are rationally donating what they think is good.
No way to tell.
Me, I'm hoping that this particular BOINC project survives the upgrade.
Credit updates - yeah -- delayed.

The significant issue for me is --
Run as many models as I can.

I know there's a minority who monitor credits, vis-avis the vast majority who don't care.

For me, the net contributors who ever finish a model -- that's the most valuable sub-sub-sub contributor. Maybe 10%, eh-

The sub-minority who care absolute credits -- and the majority who just contribute - all contribute -- all care.

Those who "what was your name" blowing away model after model and then complaining about credits?
Please sign off.

I don't usually point to my contribution.
But, consider, some of us contribute a lot, and research
the value, and don't waste bandwidth.

Loser, sign off.

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Message 49453 - Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 12:44:58 UTC - in response to Message 49452.  

For someone who blusters on and on about not caring about credits,I find it interesting to see in the same breath you point to YOUR credits as a measure of status which you think gives you the right to call someone who expresses an opinion a LOSER.Hmmm...Something for you to think about.I will waste no more time with the likes of you. Have a nice day.
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