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Batch 996 Weather@Home2 East Asia25

Batch 996 Weather@Home2 East Asia25

Message boards : Number crunching : Batch 996 Weather@Home2 East Asia25
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69805 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 10:11:03 UTC

What could cause the uploads to constantly fail? My other projects work fine so it's probably not my Internet.

It isn't your internet. It is something to do with the server in Korea. However I have had maybe 5 uploads get stuck for a short while before going through out of nine tasks that have all uploaded a minimum of nine zips. The trickle files go to Oxford rather than to whichever server the researchers are using. (Korea in this case.) And it is the trickle up messages that are needed for credit.

I suggested it earlier in this thread. I would be interested in seeing if reducing maximum file transfer rate through the options in manager helps zips go through reliably. - Wondering if that is why all mine have gone through with minimal number of retries?
ID: 69805 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Iain Inglis
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Message 69806 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 10:12:53 UTC - in response to Message 69797.  

Computers with only a few tasks running don't seem to have as much of a problem uploading.

Be interesting to hear from a few others on that. It doesn't really make much sense to me if max_file_transfers isn't set any higher than the default. I normally restrict mine to 7 tasks at a time to leave one real core free for non-BOINC activity. Using virtual cores on CPDN I don't get any increase in throughput. I do currently have nine running as I have put Windows into a VM as Glen doesn't trust WINE under BOINC for running these tasks. So I now have 7 under WINE and two in the VM. The maximum concurrent uploads therefore is 4 with both instances of BOINC set to a maximum of 2.

My boredband maxes out at just over 100Kb/second upload speed on a good day with a following wind. When I have very large uploads, I sometimes use the 4G on my phone to get between five and ten times that. As an experiment, could you try limiting upload speed to see if that gets any more through?

I run the first one of any batch on its own to check the speed, so having one model doesn't affect the upload.

I had 18 zips plus a restart waiting, tried everything I could think of, then suspended carefully (wait for checkpoint, wait a bit more etc.), stopped BOINC, rebooted computer, broadband. It made no difference to the upload failures on restart, but when the model was resumed it crashed immediately.

Another model has downloaded and it will be running uninterrupted, with the <rsc_disk_bound> manually edited to see if the model can at least get to the end.
ID: 69806 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Richard Haselgrove

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Message 69807 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 10:21:30 UTC - in response to Message 69799.  

So far 19 tasks completed successfully and reported. (up from 8 this time yesterday.)
Just reported Task 22336100 as a home run - all zips uploaded in sequence as it went along. Host isn't super-fast (eight year old Intel i5), but it does run 24/7

This may sound completely mad but could it be that the problem is more likely to show up for those with fast connections?
Well, I have a pretty fast upload link by UK standards - router reports "Upstream sync speed: 14.736 Mbps" - so I don't think it's as easy as that. I think we have to break down the 'speed' question into at least three parts:

Local link speed to your country's (or ISP's) backbone
Backbone to backbone links between your country and Korea
Local link speed and capacity between the Korean backbone and the server's host organisation.

The last two are the hardest to evaluate externally, and are probably most liable to variation at different times of day because of overall loading. One thing to note is that BOINC Manager's report of the upload speed of any given file (while it's in progress) is an average of the data speed since the transfer was (re-)started. Mine seem to start at over 1 MB/sec, but fairly quickly drop to 500 kB/sec (for a good transfer) or 100 kB/sec for a slow one. I interpret this as a reflection of the 'packet' nature of internet communications. Boinc only counts data as uploaded once it gets an acknowledgement for every contiguous packet so far. So a single dropped packet will pause updating of the amount transferred so far (and reduce the average speed commensurately) until the packet can be resent and acknowledged. I think that indicates that there's a relatively high rate of packet loss on the intercontinental links and associated switching centres between the UK and Korea.
ID: 69807 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Richard Haselgrove

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Message 69808 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 10:43:42 UTC - in response to Message 69794.  

That's very interesting. Look at

10/12/2023 3:31:04 PM | | [http] [ID#58336] Info:  connect to port 80 failed: Timed out
10/12/2023 3:31:04 PM | | [http] [ID#58336] Info:  Failed to connect to port 80 after 21685 ms: Couldn't connect to server
10/12/2023 3:31:04 PM | | [http] [ID#58336] Info:  Closing connection
10/12/2023 3:31:04 PM | | [http] HTTP error: Timeout was reached
10/12/2023 3:31:04 PM | | Temporarily failed upload of transient HTTP error
We don't see exactly when the "connect to" was initiated, so we don't know exactly how long the timer ran for - but it clearly wasn't long enough. And should it be trying port 80, rather than https?

And then BOINC goes on to send a whole lot of CPDN-specific data to Google as a connection test. WTF? GDPR anyone?

Personally, I know damn well when my internet goes down - even my telephone landline goes down with it (BT have switched me to VOIP, so the router becomes critical infrastructure). So I've switched off the Google-pester in BOINC, with

in the 'Options' section of cc_config.xml - that keeps the logs much cleaner.

[There are side-effects, but I can live with those]
ID: 69808 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69809 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 11:20:46 UTC - in response to Message 69808.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2023, 11:29:41 UTC

in the 'Options' section of cc_config.xml - that keeps the logs much cleaner.

I might well do that as soon as I get a period with no tasks. (I can do it for my native Linux client now.)
Edit: Done for Linux client.
ID: 69809 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 69810 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 12:22:03 UTC - in response to Message 69808.  

IIRC the default TCP connection timeout on Windows is 120 s.
Long enough to establish a connection here.

The WAN connections to look fine.
Some basic tests from Germany:
traceroute -I
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  private_property (private_property)  0.282 ms  0.269 ms  0.266 ms
 2  private_property (private_property)  1.556 ms  1.895 ms  2.181 ms
 3 (private_property)  24.707 ms  24.761 ms  24.848 ms
 4  pao-sb3-i.PAO.US.NET.DTAG.DE (  161.816 ms  161.997 ms  164.830 ms
 5 (  164.827 ms  164.979 ms  166.109 ms
 6 (  741.361 ms * *
 7 (  288.144 ms  287.256 ms  286.934 ms
 8 (  288.141 ms  277.725 ms  277.695 ms
 9  * * *
10 (  278.568 ms  278.164 ms  278.150 ms
11 (  280.832 ms  280.447 ms  280.268 ms
12 (  281.137 ms  281.841 ms  284.276 ms
13 (  281.398 ms  281.122 ms  281.101 ms
14 (  283.307 ms  281.804 ms  282.373 ms

Immediate reply from the HTTP server on the host:
time nc -zvw 5 80
Connection to 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!

real    0m0,285s
user    0m0,001s
sys     0m0,000s

HTTPS (port 443) on is closed
time nc -zvw 5 443
nc: connect to port 443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

real    0m0,285s
user    0m0,001s
sys     0m0,000s

What I would check if not already done:
1. The TCP parameters like connection timeout, connection idle timeout, total number of allowed connections ...
1.1 on the host running the HTTP server
1.2 on all backend systems behind (1.1), e.g. DB hosts ...
1.2 on the local router(s)
2. IDS settings - if any, typically on the router(s)
ID: 69810 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 69811 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 12:38:06 UTC - in response to Message 69805.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2023, 12:40:45 UTC

Hi Dave,
with limiting network to 100 KBps uploads are done. I forced a retry on an other PC, but now is no upload possible. It seems, there is some DDos protection active. If the data came to fast or there are more than two connections per IP, then this IP is blocked for a while. Could this the answer?

Now it is uploding again with two files.
ID: 69811 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Richard Haselgrove

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Message 69812 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 13:01:00 UTC - in response to Message 69811.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2023, 13:06:41 UTC

It seems, there is some DDos protection active. If the data came to fast or there are more than two connections per IP, then this IP is blocked for a while.
That's certainly a possibility worth thinking about. We've become used to that experience at the GPUGrid project: they seem to have a DDoS which only allows one connection at a time from any one IP address. That means that if one computer in your house (using a shared routed internet link) has uploaded a file or contacted the scheduler recently, a different computer on the same link can't access the message boards - all their BOINC functions are hosted on a single server.

It's a policy which might be implemented at the campus firewall entry-point, not necessarily on the CPDN upload host itself.

Edit - but that would prevent each connection being established in the first place. The greater problem with Upload7 would seem to be the quick reset of the connection when a second or subsequent presentation of the same file is attempted. That must be specific to the CPDN server.
ID: 69812 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Glenn Carver

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Message 69813 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 13:07:43 UTC - in response to Message 69811.  

with limiting network to 100 KBps uploads are done. I forced a retry on an other PC, but now is no upload possible. It seems, there is some DDos protection active. If the data came to fast or there are more than two connections per IP, then this IP is blocked for a while. Could this the answer?.
Interesting question. I suspect not but I will raise it with CPDN & Korea.
ID: 69813 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 69817 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 13:31:11 UTC

This is a new one on me:

13/10/2023 14:21:20 | | Started upload of
13/10/2023 14:21:21 |  | [http_xfer] [ID#178] HTTP: wrote 191 bytes
13/10/2023 14:21:22 | | [error] Error reported by file upload server: [] locked by file_upload_handler PID=4155647

Not sure what to make of it, but to me it suggests that the upload server is not releasing lock files in a timely manner.
ID: 69817 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69818 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 13:36:42 UTC - in response to Message 69817.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2023, 13:59:10 UTC

Not sure what to make of it, but to me it suggests that the upload server is not releasing lock files in a timely manner.
And my further suspicion is that attempts to retry the transfer delay that release still further.

Edit: Now up to 29 completed and reported. About another 2 days till mine stand a chance.
ID: 69818 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 69820 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 14:02:07 UTC - in response to Message 69818.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2023, 14:08:27 UTC

This was after an automatic retry rather than a manually initiated one - delay was around 7 minutes, so a reasonable time for the release to take place.

[edit to add] The actual time between previous failure and this report was 14 minutes, with a ~14 minute back-off initiated.
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69821 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 14:11:28 UTC - in response to Message 69820.  

This was after an automatic retry rather than a manually initiated one - delay was around 7 minutes, so a reasonable time for the release to take place.
All grist for the mill in Monday's CPDN staff meeting. I would be tempted to suspend computation and turn off internet access for an hour before retrying. I know it sounds crazy but still.
ID: 69821 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Richard Haselgrove

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Message 69822 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:03:21 UTC

[file] locked by file_upload_handler is a routine feature of the BOINC server software. It's invoked automatically as an upload starts, and not released until the upload is complete.

Unless, that is, the upload fails - as in this case. Then, it's released after a timeout, but that's much longer that 7 minutes: I usually advise people to wait at least an hour after seeing it.

It's normal, and not worth spending time on at the staff meeting - except as a symptom of the excessive number of failed uploads reported by that server.
ID: 69822 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 69824 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:20:40 UTC

Not sure if it will help but this log is from a 2017 Dell XPS 15 notebook with Intel i7-7700HQ CPU (4C/8T) with 32GB of memory. It's currently running 7 CPDN tasks and has 2 zip files that won't upload. I set max xfers to 1 and max upload speed to 100 KB/second. Manual update.
10/13/2023 8:39:53 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:39:55 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
10/13/2023 8:41:44 AM | | Started upload of
10/13/2023 8:42:35 AM | | Temporarily failed upload of transient HTTP error
10/13/2023 8:42:35 AM | | Backing off 03:27:06 on upload of
10/13/2023 8:42:39 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:42:41 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
10/13/2023 8:44:10 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:44:12 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
10/13/2023 8:45:17 AM |  | Contacting account manager at
10/13/2023 8:45:19 AM |  | Account manager: BAM! User: 158780, ChelseaOilman
10/13/2023 8:45:19 AM |  | Account manager: BAM! Host: 751537
10/13/2023 8:45:19 AM |  | Account manager: Number of BAM! connections for this host: 32514
10/13/2023 8:45:19 AM |  | Account manager contact succeeded
10/13/2023 8:54:05 AM |  | General prefs: using separate prefs for home
10/13/2023 8:54:05 AM |  | Reading preferences override file
10/13/2023 8:54:05 AM |  | Preferences:
10/13/2023 8:54:05 AM |  | max memory usage when active: 32619.74 MB
10/13/2023 8:54:05 AM |  | max memory usage when idle: 32619.74 MB
10/13/2023 8:54:25 AM |  | max disk usage: 668.26 GB
10/13/2023 8:54:25 AM |  | max upload rate: 102400 bytes/sec
10/13/2023 8:54:25 AM |  | (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
10/13/2023 8:55:36 AM |  | Re-reading cc_config.xml
10/13/2023 8:55:36 AM |  | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task
10/13/2023 8:55:50 AM | | Started upload of
10/13/2023 8:56:24 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:56:24 AM | | Temporarily failed upload of transient HTTP error
10/13/2023 8:56:24 AM | | Backing off 05:53:01 on upload of
10/13/2023 8:56:26 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
10/13/2023 8:56:51 AM |  | Re-reading cc_config.xml
10/13/2023 8:56:51 AM |  | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task, http_debug
10/13/2023 8:57:18 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:57:18 AM |  | [http] HTTP_OP::init_get():
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Found bundle for host: 0x1a0535b1ec0 [serially]
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Re-using existing connection #5612 with host
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connected to ( port 443 (#5612)
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: GET / HTTP/1.1
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Host:
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: User-Agent: BOINC client (windows_x86_64 7.20.2)
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept: */*
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept-Language: en_US
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: roject_name>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <name></name>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <nbytes>99509980.000000</nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <max_nbytes>150000000.000000</max_nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <status>1</status>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <num_retries>17</num_retries>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <first_request_time>1696980468.677761</first_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <next_request_time>1697220582.353309</next_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <time_so_far>620.047310</time_so_far>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <last_bytes_xferred>37617664.000000</last_bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <is_upload>1</is_upload>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: <file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <project_url></project_url>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <project_name></project_name>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <name></name>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <nbytes>99519616.000000</nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <max_nbytes>150000000.000000</max_nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <status>1</status>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <num_retries>19</num_retries>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <first_request_time>1696978824.627960</first_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <next_request_time>1697230165.871049</next_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <time_so_far>1087.612225</time_so_far>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <last_bytes_xferred>68943872.000000</last_bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <is_upload>1</is_upload>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfers>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </boinc_gui_rpc_reply>
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: 
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:57:20 GMT
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Expires: -1
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'nonce-P3s5rbHnkana-ymTMeuEuA' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https: http:;report-uri
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Encoding: gzip
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Server: gws
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: X-XSS-Protection: 0
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: 1P_JAR=2023-10-13-14; expires=Sun, 12-Nov-2023 14:57:20 GMT; path=/;; Secure
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: AEC=Ackid1R68JWk7yDfBzMo0UToF_mw9CZ__wrKEl27ftOL9L3Y0A8DW8mXwY0; expires=Wed, 10-Apr-2024 14:57:20 GMT; path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: NID=511=HI7CnTeZsBHdDgYf0-PapcC5gfKDvnz6EZxczAkW2UZPJzxkTwv5DzpTZqEPEbe1Pl-orkYtWXvSXT0AJ7I_1ki098uih7GoB6Xn6qYUx1vHa6yWMUM0m5ct5Z2IF0Oo_75qRaLs2-y4QmJL62mW6_rEwczEsiYSBNwNg-Hnsgk; expires=Sat, 13-Apr-2024 14:57:20 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server:
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | 
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connection #5612 to host left intact
10/13/2023 8:57:19 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
10/13/2023 8:58:44 AM | | Started upload of
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:    Trying
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Connected to ( port 80 (#5613)
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: POST /cgi-bin/file_upload_handler HTTP/1.1
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Host:
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: User-Agent: BOINC client (windows_x86_64 7.20.2)
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Accept: */*
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Accept-Language: en_US
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Content-Length: 311
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server:
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  We are completely uploaded and fine
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:58:32 GMT
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: Server: Apache/2.4.37 (centos)
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server:
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: 64
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: <data_server_reply>
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server:     <status>0</status>
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server:     <file_size>37486592</file_size>
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: </data_server_reply>
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server:
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Connection #5613 to host left intact
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Found bundle for host: 0x1a0535b04c0 [serially]
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Re-using existing connection #5613 with host
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Connected to ( port 80 (#5613)
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: POST /cgi-bin/file_upload_handler HTTP/1.1
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Host:
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: User-Agent: BOINC client (windows_x86_64 7.20.2)
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Accept: */*
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Accept-Language: en_US
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Content-Length: 62023876
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Expect: 100-continue
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server:
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
10/13/2023 8:59:17 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Recv failure: Connection was reset
10/13/2023 8:59:17 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info:  Closing connection 5613
10/13/2023 8:59:17 AM | | [http] HTTP error: Failure when receiving data from the peer
10/13/2023 8:59:18 AM | | Temporarily failed upload of transient HTTP error
10/13/2023 8:59:18 AM | | Backing off 05:48:43 on upload of
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | Started upload of
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  Too old connection (130 seconds idle), disconnect it
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  Connection 5612 seems to be dead
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  Closing connection 5612
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  schannel: shutting down SSL/TLS connection with port 443
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  Hostname was found in DNS cache
10/13/2023 8:59:30 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:    Trying
10/13/2023 8:59:47 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:59:47 AM |  | [http] HTTP_OP::init_get():
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connection 5614 seems to be dead
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Closing connection 5614
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  schannel: shutting down SSL/TLS connection with port 443
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:    Trying
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connected to ( port 443 (#5616)
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  ALPN: offers http/1.1
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  ALPN: server accepted http/1.1
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: GET / HTTP/1.1
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Host:
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: User-Agent: BOINC client (windows_x86_64 7.20.2)
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept: */*
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept-Language: en_US
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: roject_name>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <name></name>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <nbytes>99509980.000000</nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <max_nbytes>150000000.000000</max_nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <status>1</status>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <num_retries>18</num_retries>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <first_request_time>1696980468.677761</first_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <next_request_time>1697230081.071722</next_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <time_so_far>635.193817</time_so_far>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <last_bytes_xferred>37617664.000000</last_bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <is_upload>1</is_upload>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: <file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <project_url></project_url>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <project_name></project_name>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <name></name>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <nbytes>99519616.000000</nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <max_nbytes>150000000.000000</max_nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <status>1</status>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <num_retries>19</num_retries>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <first_request_time>1696978824.627960</first_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <next_request_time>0.000000</next_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <time_so_far>1104.782318</time_so_far>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <last_bytes_xferred>0.000000</last_bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <is_upload>1</is_upload>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <bytes_xferred>0.000000</bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <file_offset>0.000000</file_offset>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <xfer_speed>0.000000</xfer_speed>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <url></url>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfers>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </boinc_gui_rpc_reply>
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: 
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:59:49 GMT
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Expires: -1
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'nonce-ExMtoBWtM7T3mNcg8WZM9A' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https: http:;report-uri
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Encoding: gzip
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Server: gws
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: X-XSS-Protection: 0
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: 1P_JAR=2023-10-13-14; expires=Sun, 12-Nov-2023 14:59:49 GMT; path=/;; Secure
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: AEC=Ackid1ThAJzd2C5AqFL6dIpGTSQJ2mkA28ebTMS8YU-A_2L99U7T5AwL91Y; expires=Wed, 10-Apr-2024 14:59:49 GMT; path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: NID=511=DgRu5bRujDiR5C5lZQGVtKEfKPwXv1tsSxRbVFxzuicxDwx3UItT5J8njHN_rm17MaTutpm2lnm2rjttpVKiSuQQ4OlJ5guK_NYx0puGGAW6ApU000de33f3fY11R9dxCf9Ua-LOYmIM_tRbnGY-PIa09KmD8OKFrZkoU19kRPQ; expires=Sat, 13-Apr-2024 14:59:49 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server:
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | 
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:48 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connection #5616 to host left intact
10/13/2023 8:59:49 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
10/13/2023 8:59:52 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  connect to port 80 failed: Timed out
10/13/2023 8:59:52 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  Failed to connect to port 80 after 21984 ms: Timed out
10/13/2023 8:59:52 AM | | [http] [ID#11363] Info:  Closing connection 5615
10/13/2023 8:59:52 AM | | [http] HTTP error: Timeout was reached
10/13/2023 8:59:52 AM | | Temporarily failed upload of transient HTTP error
10/13/2023 8:59:52 AM | | Backing off 04:17:18 on upload of
10/13/2023 8:59:53 AM |  | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
10/13/2023 8:59:53 AM |  | [http] HTTP_OP::init_get():
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Found bundle for host: 0x1a053c5e7c0 [serially]
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Re-using existing connection #5616 with host
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connected to ( port 443 (#5616)
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: GET / HTTP/1.1
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Host:
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: User-Agent: BOINC client (windows_x86_64 7.20.2)
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept: */*
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: Accept-Language: en_US
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: roject_name>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <name></name>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <nbytes>99509980.000000</nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <max_nbytes>150000000.000000</max_nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <status>1</status>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <num_retries>18</num_retries>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <first_request_time>1696980468.677761</first_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <next_request_time>1697230081.071722</next_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <time_so_far>635.193817</time_so_far>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <last_bytes_xferred>37617664.000000</last_bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <is_upload>1</is_upload>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: <file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <project_url></project_url>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <project_name></project_name>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <name></name>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <nbytes>99519616.000000</nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <max_nbytes>150000000.000000</max_nbytes>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <status>1</status>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     <persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <num_retries>20</num_retries>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <first_request_time>1696978824.627960</first_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <next_request_time>1697224630.920405</next_request_time>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <time_so_far>1109.813869</time_so_far>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <last_bytes_xferred>0.000000</last_bytes_xferred>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:         <is_upload>1</is_upload>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server:     </persistent_file_xfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfer>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </file_transfers>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: </boinc_gui_rpc_reply>
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Sent header to server: 
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:59:55 GMT
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Expires: -1
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'nonce-HOQDLuSCBUn33c-3XeJ9BA' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https: http:;report-uri
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Content-Encoding: gzip
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Server: gws
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: X-XSS-Protection: 0
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: 1P_JAR=2023-10-13-14; expires=Sun, 12-Nov-2023 14:59:55 GMT; path=/;; Secure
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: AEC=Ackid1SRgpkaPnq7sYTGj_GVRiLhHwhwK1CndjFB3wxxsVRookQQloGTAg; expires=Wed, 10-Apr-2024 14:59:55 GMT; path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Set-Cookie: NID=511=bRFd0qzNeckmDv5eNDNFa5_oGBowRi0PQQmbd2A9pmPHBqMSGu_JsDNUcSGqniRURG5iK6aCn9Gv6GsecNjsb6WSASdmsNGhj7Peee9G1PV3rIOIdSMI9FIIMwx4_SuFQqt19YkfnCJ652jP45qfSn3NoiMT022I_B8OOCEdJZs; expires=Sat, 13-Apr-2024 14:59:55 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server:
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | 
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Received header from server: 00000001
10/13/2023 8:59:54 AM |  | [http] [ID#0] Info:  Connection #5616 to host left intact
10/13/2023 8:59:55 AM |  | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
ID: 69824 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69825 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:21:19 UTC - in response to Message 69822.  

Unless, that is, the upload fails - as in this case. Then, it's released after a timeout, but that's much longer that 7 minutes: I usually advise people to wait at least an hour after seeing it.
My question Richard is, does the timeout restart if the user clicks retry for the upload? If so, there could be quite a few people delaying their files uploading!
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Message 69826 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:24:02 UTC - in response to Message 69802.  

I have increased this in the past using a text editor.

With the high crap-out rate of these models if you make the mistake of exiting BOINC you can't really increase the disk limit of already running tasks.

Pausing in memory the problematic tasks before hitting disk limit due to stuck uploads should at least in theory work.
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Profile Dave Jackson
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Message 69827 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:31:41 UTC - in response to Message 69826.  

Agreed. I did point out that risk in my post but perhaps should have emphasised it more. I will wait till current work is clear and then increase it for any resends I get or with next batch by pausing tasks during download so they don't start till after I have done the changes. Though touch wood I haven't had a problem with stuck uploads on this batch yet.
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Richard Haselgrove

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Message 69829 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:48:03 UTC - in response to Message 69825.  

My question Richard is, does the timeout restart if the user clicks retry for the upload? If so, there could be quite a few people delaying their files uploading!
My instinct is that it makes not a jot of difference - either way - if another retry is attempted. I feel that it's likely that each separate file upload will either hit its own lock (and abandon the attempt), or go through the motions and fail with yet another connection reset. I don't think it matters whether these are mass retries from a single machine, or a small number from each of multiple computers. I don't think they interact.

That's because uploading a file is a much more basic BOINC function than contacting the scheduler to request new work / report completed tasks. A scheduler connection does much, much more work internally, involving multiple interactions with the main database. Most scheduler operations can be done at any time, except requesting new work. That one (and only that one) will be blocked for a new timeout period if the old 'requested by server' interval hasn't elapsed since the last scheduler contact.
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Richard Haselgrove

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Message 69830 - Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 15:53:37 UTC - in response to Message 69824.  

Thanks - that fills the gap in your previous report. We have:

10/13/2023 8:58:44 AM | | Started upload of
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info: Trying
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info: Connected to ( port 80 (#5613)
10/13/2023 8:58:45 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: <file_size>37486592</file_size>
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Sent header to server: Content-Length: 62023876
10/13/2023 8:58:47 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
10/13/2023 8:59:17 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info: Recv failure: Connection was reset
10/13/2023 8:59:17 AM | | [http] [ID#11362] Info: Closing connection 5613
10/13/2023 8:59:17 AM | | [http] HTTP error: Failure when receiving data from the peer
10/13/2023 8:59:18 AM | | Temporarily failed upload of transient HTTP error
So the listening-time was at most 30 seconds. Not enough.
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