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Posts by old_user2275

41) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11387)
Posted 25 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
I did find the solution to special characters. The font used with imagestring doesn't include them - but if I use the ttf verdana I should be in the clear ;) It would need some re-coding, but I'll need to do that anyway to take varied string widths into account which I wanted to do anyway ;)

In the meantime, while lots of you hopefully help out with the translation, I'll add the hex color change ability - would propably be available in an hour or so.

42) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11386)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
Just put the translation contribution page online.

<a href="">Please contribute with missing languages</a> - Thank you very much in advance :)

(sorry, this board strips target blank, apperently)

43) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11385)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
[AF&gt;France&gt;Est&gt;Alsace] pH!Lm067:

Wow you where fast :)

44) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11383)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
I was actually thinking of releasing the source. My concern though is the polling for online status and keep congestion at the projects down. I might make it so web site poll my database in stead of the projects - that would keep the congestion at the projects to a minimum - and spread the traffic. But that's a bit further down as I still have some ideas for this I want to look into first and are still in a learning fase.

As to the internationalization, I was thinking about first of all to add a page at the URL generator that offers users to contribute with translations for the three states. The string mentioned by microtoxic is the way I would implement it. The dataset-thing is a bit above my skill at the moment, but I'm working hard to learn ;)

45) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11370)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; Very nice ! thanks a lot !
&gt; Another "weird idea" maybe for your todo-list : your tool could become
&gt; "international" if it was possible to specify the local word for "online",
&gt; "down" and "unreachable" in the URL ...
&gt; Real weird indeed... :-)

Not so wierd ;) But I know there might be some trouble with that - not so much specifying it in the url, but with special letters. In Danish there's the problem with the translation from Unreachable -&gt; Utilgængelig - the letter "æ" becomes some other char. But I would love for it to be "multilinguable" :)

I'll think of something :)

46) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11365)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
Now it's gotten even easier ;)

The URL generator is ready. Next two things on the todo-list is direct hex color choices and transparency color.

But for now take a look at the <a href="">URL generator</a> - I've tested it during development, but there might be a slip up somewhere.

47) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11358)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; It's some kind of this:
&gt; <pre>
&gt; function hex2rgb($hex) {
&gt; $color = str_replace('#','',$hex);
&gt; $rgb = array('r' =&gt; hexdec(substr($color,0,2)),
&gt; 'g' =&gt; hexdec(substr($color,2,2)),
&gt; 'b' =&gt; hexdec(substr($color,4,2)));
&gt; return $rgb;
&gt; }
&gt; </pre>

Hey, thanks - that get's me closer alot sooner :)

48) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11357)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
<p>Version 0.6</p>
<p>Textcolor is now changable.</p>
<p>projectcolor: changes the color of the projects names<br>
onlinecolor: changes the color of the "Online" text<br>
downcolor: changes the color of the "Down" text<br>
unreachcolor: changes the color of the "Unreachable" text</p>
<p>Still the colors are the names from O'Reilly's list.</p>
<p>&lt;img src=";backcolor=cornsilk&amp;onlinecolor=skyblue
looks like</p>
<p><img src=";backcolor=cornsilk&amp;onlinecolor=skyblue&amp;unreachcolor=indigo&amp;downcolor=gray"></p>
<p>And btw, if you misspell a color name, the script will revert to the standard
<p>Also fixed the height when using the yes value on project parameters.</p>
<p>Next I'll create an URL creator as the URLs can now potentially get tricky
- after that I'll look into direct RGB color changes (dec and hex)</p>

49) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11354)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; &gt; all colors of the list is now available as background
&gt; Colors names working fine. I think many admins would invite option to choose
&gt; colors in hex format so they correspondent with other visual elements of
&gt; forum; not that the name list is short :-)

Well, I chose this way first as it was the easier one to implement quickly ;) I'm still new to PHP, so there are things I need to learn. I was actually thinking of making it possible to choose rgb colors in dec first, but I want to see if there's a smart way to do that. When I got that, I'll see if I can make some dec2hex conversion as well (there are propably code out there I can grab ;))

But right now I'll see to it that the text colors can be changed as weel - that has higher priority for the moment - as well as a URL generator (another idea I grabbed from Petrus) ;)

50) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11337)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; Great idea !
&gt; Thank you very much!
&gt; I'm using it for my "miniteam portal" :

Looks great :) A good thing I made the width alot smaller than the original :D

&gt; Would it be possible to have a "transparency" color ?

Once I figure out how it will surely be implemented ;)

51) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11336)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
all colors of the list is now available as background
52) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11328)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
<p>Version 0.5</p>
<p>You now have two choices of how to choose which projects to display:</p>
<p>1) if you use the no setting on the parameters, you choose not to display those
projects, but any new projects added to the script will automatically be displayed
as well as the current ones you left displayable<br>
2) if you use a yes setting on the parameters, you isplay only those projects
selected - any new projects added to the script will remain hidden</p>
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt; will
still display all projects supported - like this:</p>
<p><img src=""></p>
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;ein=no&quot;&gt;
will de-select predictor and einstein but display all other supported projects,
including future projects</p>
<p><img src=";ein=no"></p>
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;ein=yes&quot;&gt;
will display only predictor and einstein, and even if new projects are added
they will not show up</p>
<p><img src=";ein=yes"></p>
<p>As you can see, there's a small issue with the size, but I'll work on that.</p>
<p>Another new feature is the ability to change the background color. Add the
parameter backcolor and choose a color name from <a href="">O'Reilly's
list</a> (I'm adding all colors alphabetically, last one this minute is cyan,
but I'll continue to add colors 'till they're all there right after posting
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;ein=yes&amp;backcolor=aquamarine&quot;&gt;</p>
<p><img src=";ein=yes&amp;backcolor=aquamarine"></p>
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;</p>
<p><img src=""></p>
<p>Please let me know if a color doesn't work - I'll propably make some typo's
here and there.</p>
<p>Next the textcolors will be changable - same color names ;)</p>

53) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11323)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; thanks for update. I'm looking for change bg color option and then it will be
&gt; just perfect...

This will be possible in the next update :)

54) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Notice for members of ESEA (Earth Space Exploration Agency) (Message 11320)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
<p>The URL for the team website has changed. New URL is <a href=""></a></p>

55) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11319)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
<p>New version 0.4</p>
<p>First of all the URL has changed.</p>
<p>And now you can choose which projects to display by selecting the ones you
don't want displayed.</p>
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;
displays all supported projects like this:</p>
<p><img src=""></p>
<p>To select not to display a project add a parameter for that project, ex.:</p>
<p>&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;
- looks like:</p>
<p><img src=""></p>
<p>For each additional project add more parameters with &amp; as in &lt;img src=&quot;;burp=no&quot;&gt;
which would look like</p>
<p><img src=";burp=no"></p>
<p>Parameter list:</p>
<p>SETI@home: seti=no<br>
Predictor@home: pred=no<br> clim=no<br>
LHC@home: lhc=no<br>
Pirates@home: pir=no<br>
Einstein@home: ein=no<br>
BURP: burp=no</p>

56) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11318)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; Bruno, thanks for the tool.
&gt; I may save a lot of ever-repeating questions.
&gt; Can we you it on other forums/web-sites as well?

yep, you can use it where you want (for now at least, I don't think it impacts my bandwidth too much ;))

57) Message boards : Number crunching : Schedulers online status for websites (Message 11297)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
I thought there would be some website owners out there who wanted to be able to display online status of the boinc projects schedulers.

So I created this little script that does exactly that. It looks like this:

<img src="">

Now, Boinc Online Schedulers (BOS) version 0.3 is pretty much still an alpha version, but it looks to work pretty good.

All that's needed is to make an image tag on the page you want to display it at, like this: &lt;img src=""&gt;

It's updated every 5 minutes. Future plans for it includes:

- choice of projects to display
- choice of colors to use

58) Message boards : Number crunching : dead link (Message 11127)
Posted 19 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
I get the same with

59) Message boards : Number crunching : CPDN grants more credit than Predictor (Message 10858)
Posted 14 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; &gt; One of the main differences from cpdn to the other projects is that cpdn
&gt; is currently the only one that doesn't send the same wu to more participants
&gt; and compare their results. This means if your host claims an amount of credit
&gt; for cpdn work, that amount is what is granted - which is not the case per
&gt; definition at the other projects.
&gt; That's far from accurate. CPDN does resent some WUs of re-check consistency
&gt; among different platforms.
&gt; What it doesn't, is the concept of claimed/granted credit. Credit is granted
&gt; upon actual work being done, not some synthetic benchmarks and others
&gt; not-much-sayings numbers.
&gt; You finish whole model, you get 6805.26 credit. As simply as that; no
&gt; horse-trading.

I wasn't too clear here ;)

What cpdn doesn't do, like the others, is to send out the same wu to several participants, wait for the participants to return the results, compare them, and then grant credit by evaluating claimed credit - that is granting the lowest value, the middel value or whatever scheme is chosen.

Any comparison that may be done between wu's does not in any way affect the credit system - and I view it from the credit systems point of view in this thread ;)

60) Message boards : Number crunching : CPDN grants more credit than Predictor (Message 10823)
Posted 14 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user2275
&gt; I've found that CPDN grants ~50% more credit per second of CPU time than
&gt; Predictor does, on the same computer. Is there any way this bias can be
&gt; fixed?
&gt; Across projects, my impression is that CPDN grants more credit than LHC, SETI,
&gt; or Einstein as well.

Have you checked out how much credit your hosts claim at the other projects? It may be higher than what is granted. One of the main differences from cpdn to the other projects is that cpdn is currently the only one that doesn't send the same wu to more participants and compare their results. This means if your host claims an amount of credit for cpdn work, that amount is what is granted - which is not the case per definition at the other projects. As far as I can tell from Andrews link, it would seems that on cpdn there is not even such a thing as claimed credit.

Well, in either case, cpdn is not very comparable with the others as it is very different in how it works.

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