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Posts by old_user3861

Posts by old_user3861

21) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC on Linux -> wrong user wipes out all projects (Message 3556)
Posted 9 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
I've been starting BOINC from a script at system startup. It's located in a public directory. Security is NOT an issue for this system. BOINC usually runs as "root".

After over a week, I changed the preferences on one of the projects and I wanted to update the client. So I stopped the active process and started the boinc executable as my normal userid (a non-root ID). BOINC immediately wiped out all the current projects and status - without any prompting - and asked for a project URL.

I consider that to be a bug. It is aware I'm not using the same user - but wiping out all the existing work and the model seems to be a terrible way of handling the situation.

I now have a new model....and have started over. There was no other choice.

At the very least I should have been prompted about the consequences of starting boinc from a different user ID.....and given the chance to cancel out.

Anyone else had this problem?
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
22) Message boards : Number crunching : question about using boinc with linux (Message 3553)
Posted 9 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
&gt; If any of you have run boinc on Linux, you have seen that once you
&gt; start it through the command line, it just keeps going as long as you let it,
&gt; never asking for more input. Since the command line I started it with was my
&gt; only way of controlling the computer...I think you get the point. Anyway, my
&gt; question is this: How do I stop the program whenever I'm ready to do
&gt; something else with the computer (start KDE, shut it down, whatever)?

You can start a program in the background just by adding an "&amp;" to it.....but be aware you can no longer interact with it and you will have to kill it's process to stop it.

./boinc &amp;


./boinc &gt; boinc.log &amp;

if you would like to have the output logged to a text file. These can get fairly large (5MB) in just a few days of CPDN logging, so it would pay to restart this task about once / week.

To kill it you would:

1. enter "ps -A" to display active processes
2. enter "kill the-processnumber" where the second part is the actual number.

There is a better way, though, overall to run boinc so you do'nt have to wory about it at all.

Most Linux systems will have scripts run at startup. The names of these will vary from distro to distro. On my Xandros 2.0 Linux systems, the last boot script is /etc/init.d/

I add a couple of lines to the bottom of that to start boinc at each startup. I also direct the output to a file that I can browse any time to see what the app is doing and if there have been any problms,

So it will be something like this:

cd/pub/boinc (to get the 'focus' into the right directory)
cp boinclog.log boinclog.old
./boinc &gt; boinclog.log

That copy command in there lets me copy the old log before over writing it with the new output from the fresh start of boinc.

In the mode above, boinc is actually running as ROOT.... That is relevent becasue I have noticed if I then try to run boinc from the same location with a different ID - like my normal user from a normal consule - it spontaneously wipes all projects and resets everything.....which is annoying. So once you set it up this way. you need to always run it as root.

I'll be posting on this last issue separately, because I just wiped out a week's worth of CPDN work on one system becasue I ran boince from the command prompt. That's how I found out what I've just told you. :-)

<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
23) Message boards : Number crunching : Have to dettach from BOINC (Message 3536)
Posted 9 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
&gt; You can also do the low tech method. Take the side off your case and place a
&gt; box fan blowing directly inside. Of course, you'll want to clean very often.
&gt; <a> href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=355"&gt;<img> border="0" height="80" src=""&gt;</a>

I bought a 5cm fan and screwed it to a PC slot filler....which I then bent so it was straight, instead of hooked at the top. Then screwed it down as normal in a slot - with the fan blasting away downward at the CPU and mobo.

Worked great.
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
24) Message boards : Number crunching : Win 9x/ME (Message 3535)
Posted 9 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
&gt; Yeah, maybe I didn't phrase that too well originally Carl, it wasn't intended
&gt; to be hyper critical of you guys, I know you're busy with important stuff - I
&gt; doubt the loss of WinME machines will make any much difference to overall
&gt; numbers although there are doubtless a lot of Win98/SE/ME machines altogether.
&gt; The number of models completed by them is doubtless so few because they're all
&gt; slow(ish) machines anyways. ;)

Win98SE is regarded by many people as the "last, best secure Windows".

You will often find it running on some of the very latest hardware - owned by people who put their own systems together (easy to do) and need "legacy" compatibility with Windows software that won't run on Linux via WINE.

I mainly run Linux (6 systems)....but I have one Win98SE box for games (my daughter) and I had a second one for a wireless card that had an unstable linux driver - and CAT5 ethernet wasn't an option for that system.

I own one copy of WinXP Home - and it has spent 90% of the past 3 years on the shelf.
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
25) Message boards : Number crunching : Client errors - loads of them. (Message 3394)
Posted 8 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
The same Linux system is throwing out these errors over and over:

core_client_version 4.05
message process exited with code 26 (0x1a)
active_task_state 1
signal 0

Anyone else seeing this?

I was logging to a text file and it was approaching 5MB. Could that be the problem?

<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
26) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 4.06 (alpha) Win32 Client trashes CPDN models... (Message 3189)
Posted 6 Sep 2004 by old_user3861

I mainly run Linux, but have a Win98SE system as a "legacy" system for my daughter to run her games on. Most of them work fine via TransGamning on Linux....but a couple don't.

With an retail upgrade copy of WinXP Home costing over NZ$300, I won't be buying that any time soon.
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
27) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 4.06 (alpha) Win32 Client trashes CPDN models... (Message 3137)
Posted 6 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
As the 4.05 BOINC client has serious problems on Windows 98, I've installed the 4.06 (alpha) BOINC client on the one Win98SE system I have here...and it processed the SETI WUs just fine. My 6 Linux systems all work without problems.

But the 4.06 (alpha) Win32 client trashes the CPDN models every time - 4 per day - then you exceed your daily quota and they refuse to send you any more.

I've lost 4 / day for the past 4 days.

It returns the following error message:

"Outcome Client error"
"Client state Computing"
"Exit status -2 (0xfffffffe)"
"Host ID 6135"
"Report deadline 18 Aug 2005 5:45:03 UTC"
"CPU time 0.00"
"stderr out"

core_client_version 4.06 -/core_client_version
message - exit code -2 (0xfffffffe) /message
active_task_state 1 /active_task_state
signal 0 /signal
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
28) Message boards : Number crunching : Sig Test (Message 3051)
Posted 5 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
29) Message boards : Number crunching : error message (Message 2951)
Posted 4 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
I have been having errors, too. This is what my BOINC 4.06 (alpha) client has been returning today (4/9/2004 GMT +12)

<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
30) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Signature test thread to test siggy with cpdn.. (Message 2818)
Posted 3 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=3861"><img border="0" height="68" src=""></a>
31) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Signature test thread to test siggy with cpdn.. (Message 2817)
Posted 3 Sep 2004 by old_user3861
testing my sig......

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