Roberto Hroval, Founder & Chairman of PatentReal Corporation, Releases Product Reincarnation Technology™ | University of OXFORD

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Roberto Hroval, the Founder & Chairman of PatentReal Corp., has recently launched the latest “waste to energy” solution, the revolutionary Product Reincarnation Technology™. PatentReal Corporation is a major company known for investing energy, resources, and knowledge into high-end technologies for evolutionary and practical solutions towards accelerating the personal growth and enhancement of positive energy throughout. Towards revolutionizing the energy sector, the company has recently released the all-new technology for effective waste management.

The Product Reincarnation Technology™ – also referred to as PRT – is defined as the green, advanced technology process. The cutting-edge “waste to energy” technology makes use of the worn-out, discarded, and used products for converting them into energy forms like electricity, fuel, or even brand-new original products. As per the sources of the company, the high-end technology transformation process is utilized for providing higher energy efficiency of over 85 percent with no emissions in the overall process.

Roberto Hroval claims, “We are extremely excited to announce the introduction of our ground-breaking energy-saving solution, Product Reincarnation Technology™. This is a high-end green technology that is known for supporting the circular economy. The cutting-edge green technology is also capable of transforming the utilized, worn-out products into the brand-new ones.” Roberto adds, “We are highly delighted that our qualified experts, innovators, and investors have noticed the major advantages of the PRT. Understanding its immense potential in the field of transforming the energy sector, the technology is capable of introducing a huge progress towards achieving the improved life cycle as well as reducing the overall CO2 emissions substantially.” 

The technology has been given great appreciation from the technology experts all around the world. Some of the reputed experts and companies in Europe and the Middle East have given proper reviews explaining the importance and benefits of the revolutionary Product Reincarnation Technology. Abdulla J. Al Nowais, Al-Nowais Group CEO in Abu Dhabi, states, “We are looking forward to unraveling the immense potential of the high-end technology in transforming the energy industry in Abu Dhabi. Any process in the modern era that claims of taking preventive action on the major environmental issues and transforming the same into a full-fledged economic benefit is definitely going to grab our fullest attention.” Testifying the overall effectiveness of the Product Reincarnation Technology™ by PatentReal Corporation, Josef Kluy from the billion-dollar company “BluechemGroup” in Germany says, “PRT is a highly ingenious innovation in modern times. It can serve to be a breakthrough putting all previously known technologies in the shade.” 

One of the expert scientists who is responsible for confirming the specific requirements of the PRT technology is Dr. Zvonimir Steiner from the reputed J. J. Strossmayer University. He states, “The system is capable of enabling the reactor for yielding high efficiency at 98 percent with 0% emissions. Moreover, the system is also silent completely. The overall advantage of the given PRT system lies in the self-efficient power supply capability as the gas that is produced out of the recycling process is completely returned to the production process. As such, there is no requirement of external energy source because of the presence of the self-efficient reactor in the PRT system. The self-efficient reactor cooling system derives water that is obtained from the self-recycling production mechanism.” 

Given the reviews and expert opinions from the industry masters, PRT is aimed to be a game changer. The technology is known to work best on the hydrocarbon products including plastic, scrap tires, textiles, oils, and so more. Given this fact, the overall effectiveness of the groundbreaking Product Reincarnation Technology™ towards ensuring a safer, green environment in the future only maximizes.

Understanding the technical aspects of the PRT system, the worn-out or discarded hydrocarbon-based products are decomposed thermally at low-temperature range. In the given process, heat is generated in the form of highly increased temperatures. As such, the products get converted into gaseous or liquid forms. The products can be then used partially in the form of energy products or even for effective management of the entire technical conversion process. The production process in a typical PRT system consists of two phases: the first step involving the molecular degradation like thermolysis for decomposing the organic products into usable raw materials. The second step consists of forming a molecular composition wherein a new product –similar to the original product, is derived from the raw materials generated during the first step.

Product Reincarnation Technology™ by PatentReal Corp. under the guidance of Roberto Hroval, is intended to reducing the ever-increasing impact of waste generation on the environment throughout. For more information, reach out to PatentReal Corporation. 

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 6:45:48 UTC