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Members of SwissTeam.NET

Members of SwissTeam.NET

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Hendric Stattmann 4,308,291 10,071.62 Austria
2) Peter Kistler 3,802,978 4,844.36 Switzerland
3) Daniel Gross 160,860 1,788.69 Switzerland
4) JoesBar 354,685 1,207.97 Switzerland
5) Res 1,329,029 1,042.42 Switzerland
6) PTJ 100,650 670.26 Switzerland
7) Bruno 984,939 632.14 Switzerland
8) Reiner Kroemer 1,741,505 296.02 Switzerland
9) TheSwissOne 12,468 292.18 Switzerland
10) Boon-X 849 29.58
11) old_user14108 207,163 0.00 Switzerland
12) Profile Nasher 4,149,052 0.00 Switzerland
13) old_user3106 76,236 0.00 Switzerland
14) old_user6950 21,475 0.00 Switzerland
15) old_user14886 53,372 0.00 Switzerland
16) Profile old_user564 11,881 0.00 Switzerland
17) Avengers 6,525,923 0.00 Switzerland
18) old_user11604 141,055 0.00 Switzerland
19) old_user111 360,068 0.00 Switzerland
20) old_user10863 429,386 0.00 Switzerland
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