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Names beginning with C

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:22 UTC

clariel ("Trying to study Environmental science but a bit slow and probably not taking much in.")
charwyn ("Born in Surrey, now living in Poole. 4 children 7, 6, 5 & 3 - all girls!! Work in a...")
CTParker ("I am a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin (Section of Molecular Genetics...")
Cabezon [Canarias] ("Soy profesor de Secundaria, tengo un hijo y espero que él pueda vivir en un mundo mejor. ")
CaptainLamprey ("Hello there! I'm this guy from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I play drums in a band...")
Charles Dennett (" ")
Claus J ("I working as a computer specialist")
china ("Homoeopath, computer consultant, digital music aggregator (see Lives...")
ced8 ("Ced Ledesma is an IT Systems Consultant, a [url=]1SRC[/url] News Editor,...")

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