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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

Names beginning with C

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:22 UTC

Carlos ("Hola! soy profesor de enseñanza secundaria en Granada y después de ver la información...")
Christian ("I\'m inching my way through college toward a degree in computer science. ")
Craig Arno ("I live in Bothell, Washington USA, just outside of Seattle. I\'m 50 years old, have a...")
Craig Marsh ("I work on a station in the rivarina,NSW Australia stumbled across Boinc by accident thought...")
chasak ("Jsem z Jeseníků z České Republiky. Je mi 35 let a jsem učitelem fyziky, matematiky a...")
Chrisding ("...")
chriss ("test")
Calysto ("All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream - Edgar Allan Poe")

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