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Names beginning with P

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:23 UTC

PeteHow ("I am retired after 15 years in applied scientific research and another 20 years in...")
PavolR ("\"Dve veci ma naplnuju obdivom: mravny zakon v nas a hviezdne nebo nado mnou.\" Immanuel...")
PawelJacekZ ("Address: 34-400 Nowy Targ Poland Hobbies: sailing, glider flying, computers, cars, dogs,...")
Pu-ji ("Hi, I\'m from Slovakia with hungarian language as motherlanguage. I\'m hard working in a...")
Pete B ("Hi there, I graduated from Manchester University in Materials Science, then went into a...")
phees ("I'm phees. Working with various computers for nearly all my life, now offering various IT...")
Per Daniel Lidström ("I'm a software engineer with a Master of Science degree, currently working in Huddinge just...")
PeterHallgarten ("I am an amateur radio operator VK3AVE from from way back when (well 25+ years). I am...")
Pinya de Catalunya Nord ("Hola! Sem unes quantes persones del sud de France a pensar que sem mes aviat catalans del...")

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