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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

Names beginning with R

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:24 UTC

root ("I am a retired software engineer and I live in Hawaii, on the Big Island. Hobbies are...")
Richard ("I am 52 years old, retired and live in N.J.")
Roland Windsor Vincent ("Attorney, animal rights and environmental activist, Progressive Democrat, civil...")
Rod ("I try to experience each moment, that is reality, as it presents itself. Currently...")
Robert ("I'm 39 old from Poland...")
Robert ("See my url")
rwsimms ("Richard Simms Age 66 Estancia, NM USA Weather enthusiast")
Rod Abbey ("Hi, I'm A pro musician & amature Earth Scientist with a particular interest in...")
Raul Garcia ("Hi My name is Raul Garcia.I am from Valencia (Spain). I am 34 years old, I am a computer...")
Robert ("Well I'm 59 years old and retired from Xerox Corp.I do pretty much what I want,except when...")

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